Saturday, March 24, 2012

Bank Job Examination Syllabus

Bank Job Examination Syllabus

Bangla-Essay= Official Letter, Correction, Sentence Making.
English-Essay= Short Notes/Paragraph, Correction, Idioms, (Sentence Making) Express in single word, Synonyms, Antonyms, Precise, Fill in Gaps, Matching.
Math- BAT PAT+ others (Boat, Age, Time, Percentage, Average, Train)
General Knowledge- Current Affairs and basic Knowledge related.
Short Notes- Bank Rate, Clg, House, BACH (Bangladesh Automated Clearing House), Bankrupt, International Bank, Unit Banking (American Banking), Lender of the last resort, Risk Bank, Open Market Operation, Moral Persuasion, Money Market Vs Capital Market, Money Policy Vs Fiscal Policy, Tax Vs Fee, ACU, L/C, Acid Test, Authorized Capital, Balloon Payment, Bill of Lading, Blue Chip, Contingent Liability, Dumping, LIBOR (London Inter Bank Offer Rate), DIBOR, NOSTRO, VOSTRO, LORO Account, SWIFT (Society for World-wide Inter Bank Financial Telecommunication), Opportunity Cost, Yo-Yo Stock, CDBL (Central Depository Bangladesh Ltd), Zero coupon Bond and so forth.
CRR= Cash Reserve Requirements (6%), SLR= Statutory Liquidity Requirements (19%), SLR for Islamic Banks-10%, SLR for specialized bank-no SLR (Exempted), Bangladesh Bank, Bangladesh Bank Order 1972 (Presidential Order-127), EEF-Equity and Entrepreneurship Fund, MOU- Memorandum of Understanding, CIB-Credit information Bureau, CAMELS- Capital Adequacy, Asset, Asset Quality, Management, Liquidity and Sensitivity to Market Risk, EWS-Early Warning System, AB Bank-1st Private com. Bank, IMF, WB, ADB.

Marks Distribution:
1.     Preliminary Test
(100marks: 1hour)
Bangla= 25
English= 25
Math= 25
General Knowledge= 25
Total= 100marks
2.     Written Test
(100marks: 2hours)
English= 20
Math= (25+10) =35
(K.G Short notes, Puzzling, Critical Reasoning,)
Comprehension, Dialogue, Report Writing= 25
Total= 100marks.

Friday, March 23, 2012

SSC: English Second Paper Dhaka Board-2010

Dhaka Board-2010

English (Compulsory)
[According to the Syllabus of 2007]
English 2nd Paper
A.    Grammar: 40 Marks
Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary.
Time is very precious. Time (a)…for anybody. No power can stop it. It moves forward and forward. It is not wise to (b)---time. Those who make the best use of time are sure to (c)--. All the great persons of the world have(d)—the best use of time. We should (e)---them.
2. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (×) where an article is not needed.
A journey is always (a) ---pleasure to me. Wherever I go on a journey, my heart leaps with (b)---joy. But (c)---journey boat gives me(d) ---greatest pleasure. Since Bangladesh is a land of (e)---rivers, it is (f)---easy to make(g)---journey by boat. Whenever I get (h)---opportunity to make (i)---journey by boat, I make (j)---best use of this opportunity.
3. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.
A good student is fond (a)---books. He is attentive (b)---his studies. He is always tries to cut a good figure (c)---the examination. He never deviates (d)---his studies because he knows every success depends (e)---hard work.
4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words.
Trees are very useful to us. They help us in many ways. They help us in many ways. They give us oxygen, food and shade. (a)---they protect us from air pollution, (b)---many people are not aware of this. They are cutting down trees every moment without consideration.(c)---they continue to do it, one day there will be no trees left on earth. (d)---this really happens; our life will be at stake. (e)---we should stop this practice immediately and grow more and more trees for our survival.
5. Rewrite the following in the reported speech.
“What are you doing now, Jack?” I said. “I am watching an interesting programme on television.” “Aren’t you wasting your time?” I said. “No, I don’t think so,” said he.
6. Read the following passage and transform the underlined sentences as directed in brackets.
(a) A flower is a glowing gift of nature. Who does not like flowers? (Affirmative)
(b) They are the symbol of love and beauty. Flowers are used on different occasions. (Active)
(c) We need flowers to decorate a place. (Complex)
(d) The rose is the best of all flowers. ((Positive)
(e) It is also called the queen of flowers. As the demand for flowers is increasing day by day, we should cultivate flowers on commercial basis. (simple) It has both its charm and commercial value too.
7. Add tag questions to the following sentences.
(a) A barking dog seldom bites,---?
(b) Do not tell a lie,---?
(c) He lent you some money,---?
(d) Every mother loves her child,---?
(f) We ought to love our country,---?
8. Complete the following sentences.
(a) Scarcely had he reached the station -------.
(b) If I had met him before-------.
(c) -----unless you work hard.
(d) It was many years since-----.
(e) That he is honest-----.

B Composition: 60 Marks

9. Write a paragraph about ‘A Rickshaw Puller’. Your paragraph should include the answers to the following questions:
(a) Who is a rickshaw puller?
(b) How does he lead his daily life?
(c) How much does he earn a day?
(d) How long does he work a day?
(e) What happens when he earns too little?
10. Write a composition in about 200 words on any of the following topics:
(a) The Journey You Like Most.
(b) Computer as a Blessing of Science.
11. Suppose, you are Prio/Priya of Alipur High School, Magura. You have caught cold suddenly. So, you are unable to continue you classes. Now, write an application to the Head teacher for a short leave.
12. Suppose, your younger brother, Asim has obtained scholarship in the Junior School Certificate Examination. Now write a dialogue between you and your younger brother on his brilliant success in the examination.
Or, Write down the summary of the following passage. Give a suitable title to it:
Traffic jam is a common affair in the big cities of our country. This problem is the result of rapid growth of population and the increasing number of vehicles. Most often this problem occurs in the congested areas where the roads are very narrow. Overtaking tendency also causes traffic jam. Some drivers do not obey the traffic rules. They drive the vehicles carelessly. Traffic jam causes great sufferings to the ambulances carrying patients. Office goers and school going children also suffer a lot due to traffic jam. However this problem can be solved by imposing traffic rules strictly. Spacious roads should be constructed. Sufficient traffic police should be posted at important points of the highways. Unlicensed vehicles should be removed from the roads. All drivers and pedestrians should be made aware of traffic rules. If all these measures are taken, traffic jam can be solved to a great extent.
13. Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in our own way. Give a suitable title to it.
It was a summer day and a crow became very thirsty. It began to move here and there in search of drinking water but in vain. The crow did not lose hope. It, at last, noticed a jar at a little distance. It at once flew to it but………………………………


Bangla Paper -1
(For both General and Technical/ Professional Cadre)
1.     Grammar:   30marks                                                                                                                                
a.     Correction of errors in composition of sentences.
b.     Fill in the blanks with appropriate word or group of words.
c.      Use of Idioms, Phrases and Proverbs.
d.     Transformation of sentences from one form to another, such as simple to compound, complex to compound, compound to complex.
e.     Making sentences with selected official Terminology.
2.     Amplification of ideas:                                                 20marks
3.     Substance/ précis writing:                                          20marks
4.     Short answer questions on Bangla Language & Literature. 30marks
(Charyapada, Mangal Kavya, Romantic Kavya, Fort William College, Vidyasagar, Bankimchandra Chatterjee, Michael Madhusudan Dutta, Mir Mossarraf Hossain, Rabindranath Tagore, Dinobondhu Mittra, Kazi Nazrul Islam, Jashim Uddin, Begum Rokeya, Farrukh Ahmed, Kaikobad, Modern & Contemporary poets, writers and playwrights of Bangla literature.)
                                                                                                                                              Total= 100marks
Bangla Paper-2
1.     Essay (without hints):    40marks
2.     Essay (with hints):         40marks
3.     Letter writing (Official/ semi-official/Memorandum/ business type):             20marks
Total= 100marks

English Paper-1
(For both General and Technical/ Professional Cadre)
1.     Translation from English into Bangla and from Bangla into English. (20+20)= 40marks
2.     Application of Ideas:                                                                                    =20marks
3.     Substance/Precis writing:                                                                            = 15marks
4.     Grammar ( use of verb, preposition, voice, narration, correction of errors in composition, use of words having similar pronunciation but conveying different meaning, use idioms and phrases).                                                                 25marks

                                                                                                        Total : 100marks 

English Paper­-2
(For both General and Technical/Professional Cadre)
1.     Essay (free composition i.e. without hints)                                           30marks
2.     Essay (guided writing i.e. with hints)                                                    30marks
3.     Letter witting ( Official/ Semi-Official/ Memorandum, Business type)    20marks
4.     Objective reporting.                                                                            20marks
                                                                                             Total = 100marks

Bangladesh Affairs Paper-1
(For both General and Technical/Professional Cadre)
This paper is designed to cover historical, geographical, environmental, social, cultural, political, economic, and administrative affairs of Bangladesh.  Attention may be given to the following topics.
1.     Topographical and demographic features of Bangladesh;
2.     Historical background of Bangladesh;
3.     Bangladesh Liberation war;
4.     Social, Economic and Political life of Bangladesh;
5.     Art and Literature on Bangladesh;
6.     Resources and Conservation: Natural, Flora and Fauna, Mineral;
7.     Management of Water and Energy resources;
8.     Various Development Strategies and Policies of Bangladesh;
9.     Role of Education in human resource development
10.                        GNP and Per Capita income: Contribution of agriculture, industry, commerce, and services to GNP.

Bangladesh Affairs Paper-2
(For both General and Technical/Professional Cadre)
1.     The Constitution of Bangladesh;
2.     Government of Bangladesh;
a.     Legislative b. Executive c. Judiciary
3.     Foreign Policy, international relations and security strategy of Bangladesh;
4.     Role of political parties in Bangladesh;
5.     Administrative set up-central and local government;
6.     Civil-Military relations in Bangladesh;
7.     Role of NGOs in Bangladesh;
8.     Empowerment of women in Bangladesh;
9.     Political and economic institutions and their accountability;
10.                        Civil society, democracy and state-building;
11.                        Reforms in Bangladesh- Administrative, Land and Education;
12.                        Role of IMF, ADB and World Bank in Bangladesh;
13.                        Effect of free market and globalization in Bangladesh.

International Affairs
(For both General and Professional/Technical Cadre)

1.     International Affairs Meaning, Scope and Significance, International Affairs and International Politics: Approaches to the study in International Affairs.
2.     Nationalism, Imperialism, Colonialism and Noe-Colonialism, Globalization and New World Order.
3.     State: Kinds of Sate, Mode of acquiring state territory, River, Sea and Outer Space.
4.     National Power Meaning and Components.
5.     Balance of Power.
6.     Diplomacy, Diplomatic Envoys, Functions and immunities of diplomatic envoys.
7.     Armament and Disarmament: Treaties relating to arms control.
8.     Economic instrument of national policy, Tariff, Cartels, Dumping, Quotas and licenses, Loan and grant, Inter-government agent. Barter Commodity Agreement. Pre-emptive buying, Exchange Control, Control of enemy assets.
9.     The UNO the General Assembly. The Security Council, The International Court of justice-Criminal Court of Justice, The Economic and Social Council and Development Agenda, Collective  Security. Nonfactual Issues and peace keeping. RIO Conference (Environment) Kyoto Protocol, Cairo Conference (population), Copenhagen Conference (Social issues) Beijing Conference (Women).
10.                         NATO.
11.                        Non-Aligned Movement.
12.                        Commonwealth.
13.                        The international Politics of South East Asia Latin America, Meddle East and sub-Sahara Region.
14.                         Foreign Polices of Bangladesh, India, China, North Korea, Iran, UK, USA, France, Germany, South Africa, Israel, Russia, Pakistan and Poland.
15.                         Regionalism Meaning and reasons for forming organizations. ASEAN, BIMSTEC, OPEC, OAS, APEC, SAARC, SAPTA, NAFTA, EU, OIC, African Union, GCC.
16.                        Financial Institutions G-8, G-77, LDC, Asian Development Bank, World Bank, WTO, European Union Bank, IMF, Islamic Development Bank.

Mathematical Reasoning and Mental Ability
(For both General and Professional/Technical Cadre)
A. Mathematical Reasoning.
The aim is to test the candidate’s ability to solve problems of elementary mathematics, involving methods and processes of arithmetic, algebra and geometry.
1.     Arithmetic: Simplification. Averages. Greatest Common Divisor and Least Common Multiple. Unitary Method. Percentages: Simple Interest; Loss and gain; Work and Time. Ratio and proportion.
2.     Algebra: Simplification. Formulas for Squares and Cubes and their Applications. Polynomials. Simple Equations. Systems of Simultaneous Linear Equations in Two Unknowns. Graphs of Linear Equations.
3.     Geometry: Basic Theorems (including their consequences) on straight lines, angles, triangles, parallel lines, parallelograms and circles. The Theorem of Pythagoras, Area of triangle.
B. Mental Ability
The objective of mental ability test is to assess candidate’s personal qualities and traits of character based on his academic attainment and life experiences. The following broad areas are likely to be covered-
1.     Ability to understand language,
2.     Decision making ability.
3.     Ability to measure spatial relationship and direction.
4.     Problem solving ability.
5.     Perceptual ability etc.
Note: The answer sheet will be computer readable Form. The candidates are instructed to bring 2B/3B pencil, eraser and ball-point pen.

General Science and Technology
(For General Cadre only) Part- A: General Science

1.     Introduction: This is intended to test the candidates’ basic knowledge and understanding about the application of science in our daily life.
2.     Light: nature, Spectrum, Different colors and wavelengths. U.V., I.R and LASER.
3.     Sound: Hearing mechanism. Decibel, Frequency, Sound machines in home and around. Tape recorder, Microphone, Loud speaker, Public addresses system. Electricity: Current. Cell. Battery, Generator, Light bulb, Voltage, Heater, Plug, Socket, Live wire and possible hazards.
4.     Magnet: Polarity and relationship with current.
5.     Disease and Healthcare. Deficiency, Infection, Antiseptic, Antibiotics, Stroke, Heart attack and Hypertension, Vaccination.
6.     Atmosphere: Biosphere and Hydrosphere basic treatment, role of oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Potable and polluted water, Pasteurization.
7.     Basic concept of Cancer, AIDS and Hepatitis.
Part-B Technology
Marks- 50
1.     Computer Technology: Organization of a modern personal computer and its major functional units, computer generations, central processing unit and microprocessor, computer memories and their characteristic s, input output devices with characteristics and uses, Computer software, system software, operating system, application software with examples of applications, office automation. Programming languages, their types and levels, steps for software development. Impacts of computer on society.
2.     Information Technology: Data and information, information collection, processing and distribution, System analysis and information systems, expert systems. Basics of multimedia systems with examples hardware and software, concept of data compression. Multimedia system development life cycle. Local area, metropolitan area and wide area computer network, TCP/IP protocol suit, Internet, Internet services and protocols, Internet service providers and their responsibilities, intranet and extra net, World Wide Web and Web technology. Major components of telecommunication systems, mobile telephone systems, satellite communication systems and VSAT, importance of fiber optic communication system. Electronic commerce and technology for electronic commerce.
3.     Electrical technology: Electrical components, voltage, current, Ohm’s law. Electrical power and energy, Electromagnet and magnetic field, electromagnetic induction, Generation of AC and DC voltages, thermal, hydraulic and nuclear power generators, Electric motors and their applications, Transformers, AC transmission and distribution, Electrical instruments, voltage stabilizers. IPS and UPS.
4.     Electronics Technology: Electronic components, analog and digital signals, analog electronic devices, amplifiers and oscillators, working principle of DC supply, radio, television and radar devices and digital integrated circuits, impact of digital integrated counters and digital display devices, digital instruments.