Saturday, April 7, 2012

JSC English First Paper Model Test

English: First Paper

Subject Code: 107

Time- 3hours Full Marks- 100

[N.B: The figures in the right margin indicate full marks.]

Part A: Seen Comprehension: Marks-40

Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions bellow it:

A piece of land was given to the Class 8 students. It was about twelve meters long and six meters wide. The headmaster gave it to them. He and Mr. Ahmed chose it. It was chosen for three reasons. It stood near the school’s well, was always sunny, and during the rainy season never flooded. That is why it was suitable.
So, when all the tools were made, the students started to work. It was a hot day in March. They dug deep into the ground with their spades and with their hoes they broke the soil into small pieces. The rakes were used to collect all the weeds and   the baskets to carry them away. After that the boys and girls used levelers to level the soil. It was hard work and they began to sweat a lot.
Then the students stopped and looked at their work. “We’ve worked for one and a half hours and I’m tired,” said Anwar. “But I feel really good!” “Yes”, said Luna. “And look! We’ve made our own school garden!”

1.      Write whether the statements are true or false. If false, give the correct answer. 1×5=5

(a)   The head master gave an unsuitable piece of land to the class eight students.
(b)   For three reasons the land was selected to make school garden.
(c)    It was a cool day in January.
(d)   Though the task gardening was very hard, everybody felt happy.
(e)   There was a pond near the chosen piece of land for making a school garden.

2.      Choose the best answer from the alternatives given bellow.    1×5=5

(a)   ------ were given a piece of land.
                                            I.            School teachers
                                          II.            The shopkeepers
                                        III.            The learners of class eight
                                        IV.            Anwar and Rina
(b)   During the rainy season the chosen land
                                            I.            did not go under water
                                          II.            was flooded
                                        III.            was free
                                        IV.            was cultivated
(c)    The land was chosen for
                                            I.            making a play ground
                                          II.            making a market
                                        III.            making a garden
                                        IV.            making a theater
(d)   levelers are used
                                            I.            to level soil
                                          II.            to collect weeds
                                        III.            to make noise
                                        IV.            to stop sweating
(e)   The idea of making a garden came from-----
                                            I.            Anwar
                                          II.            Rina
                                        III.            Luna
                                        IV.            Bahadur

3.      Fill in each gap in the following passage with a suitable word from the box. There are more words than necessary. 0.5×10=5


For making a school garden a piece of land was (a) ----with the students of class eight. It was (b) ----for three reasons .Firstly; it was(c) ---- the well of the school. (d) ----, it was sunny. Finally it was not flooded in the (e) ----of rainy season. Being all of the (f) ---- prepared, the students(g) ---- to work to make their desired garden. About one and (h) ---- half hour working, they made the (i) ----. At last, everybody felt (j) ---.

4.      Answer the following questions. 1×5=5

(a)   For what a piece of land was given to the class 8 students?
(b)   Why was the land chosen for making a school garden?
(c)    How much time the students worked to prepare the land for gardening?
(d)   What tools did the students use?
(e)   Is gardening difficult?
5.      Choose a word from the box and put it in the blank next to its meaning. 0.5×10=5

(a)   _________= cause.
(b)   _________= full of sunlight.
(c)    _________= a tool used in cultivation.
(d)   _________= select.
(e)   _________= a place for growing flowers and vegetables.
(f)     ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________= impossible to happen anytime.
(g)   _________= appropriate.
(h)   _________= instruments.
(i)     _________= each part of two equal divisions of anything.
(j)     __________= perceive.

6.      Fill in the blanks using suitable words of your own, based on the information from the text in ‘A’.

A piece of land was (a) ___ to the students of class eight. It was twelve meters long and six meters wide. For three (b)____ it was suitable for gardening. It(c) ___ near the ring well of the school. It was always sunny and water did not(d)___. Tools were (e)___and the students started their work. They used the spades and the hoes to dig and (f)___the soil, the(g)___to collect the weeds. They also (h)___the leveler to level the soil and the basket to take away the weeds. The students (i)___hard and thus (j)___their own school garden.
7.      Read the passage in A again. Now write a paragraph based on the information about making a school garden. Use the clues in the box below. Write the clues in the box below. Write the information in correct sequence as it appears in the text.  1×5=5
decided˃ suitable˃ reasons˃ school well˃ sunny˃ flooded˃ preparing˃ levelers˃ happy

8.      Read the passage in A again. Now write the main ideas of the story in your own words. 1×5=5

Part B: Vocabulary and Grammar: Marks-20

9.      Fill in each blank of the following passage with a suitable word from the list given in the box bellow. There are more words than necessary.


Mr Ahmed showed the students all season (a)___ chart. “Looks here’s black colocasia. It has (b)___green leaves and a (c) root.” “Can we eat the leaves?” asked Rina. “No”, replied Mr Ahmed. “Only the root. Now this is eggplant. It’s also called a (d)___. It has two names and (e)___you can see it’s (f)___large. And this is red (g)___and this one is green amaranth. As you can see, the green one’s much (h)___and leaves are a bit (i)___too. And this (j)___vegetable is called Okra and it’s green.”

10.  Fill in each blank of the following passage with a suitable word from your text book. Use only one word for each blank:

While Mr Ant worked on his farm, Mr Grasshopper sang (a)___in the warm sun. And when he stopped, he sat and (b)___the beautiful countryside all around him. He looked at the leaves on the trees, the (c)___fields, and fishermen’s (d)___on the sea. Then Mr Grasshopper fell (e)___. While Mr Grasshopper slept (f)___in his chair, Mr Ant (g)___to work on his farm. For many days, weeks, and (h)___, he was busy in his fields. And as soon as his crops were ready, he stored the grain in his (i)___. So, while Mr Grasshopper enjoyed his (j)___, Mr Ant worked hard from morning until night.

Part C: Writing Test: Marks-40

11.  Read the following table and make ten sentences. 1×5=5

Mr Ahmed
could see
an apprentice.
The boys
into that hut.
up to the smithy.
two blacksmiths in the hut.

together there.

were working
a young boy.

was helping
in front of the forge.

the two blacksmiths.

of about their own age.

12.  The following sentences are in wrong order. Write them in correct order in a passage form. 1×10=10

But they were very different people. They lived in the same village. He got up early in the morning and started working on his farm. Their names were Mr Ant and Mr Grasshopper. But Mr Grasshopper was very lazy. They were very good friends. Mr Ant was a very serious and hard-working person. Once upon a time there were two farmers. He used to waste his time. It was near the sea in Greece.

13.  Write a letter any one. 1×10=10

(a)   A letter to your younger brother or sister telling him/her about the importance of reading newspapers.
(b)   To your friend inviting him to join your birth day party.
(c)    To your younger brother to be attentive and sincere to his study.

14.  Write a paragraph on any one of the following topics. . 1×10=10

(a)   Water Hyacinths.
(b)   Honesty is the best policy.
(c)    The Smithy.
(d)   An Accident.

=The End=

1 comment:

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